Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blogging on a Blog Discussing Blogs - Elliott, Katie

The Canadian rapper Shad K who is based out of Toronto has a blog. The Nebraska State Historical Society has a blog. Seth Godin has a blog called Seth's Blog. Who is he? I’m not sure yet, but his web page comes up on the first page of a search in Google for 'blog', so I assume many people are interested in what he has to say (or he is at least extremely good at SEO).

Blogs seems to be everywhere you look. So many people are reporting these days on events which are either of interest or affect them, but many of them are not considered to be 'reporters'. Why? I don't believe it is merely the credentials of a diploma or degree that constitutes a persons ability to have adequate skills as a reporter; but it is a combination of a display of dedication to truthful story-telling and a pressure to up-keep a standard of excellence which can be validated through history, which makes news sources successful and valid.

Now-a-days anybody has access to use simple, even free, online programs such as blogspot or wordpress. People can create surveys on pollydaddy or charts and graphs on Create A Graph. All of this information can be assembled and posted (even look legit and professional) for the world to see. Citizens in action: citizen journalists -- though likely chocked full of bias and one-sided reveals, these blogs carry passion and are growing to be serious contenders for major news sources.

It is heavily debated whether this is "good" or "bad" for journalism and what it all means for the 'future of journalism’. Keeping away from business antics and political affiliation, I believe the key issue in question is how will people get the truth. Attempting not to sound too idealistic, but the without strict adherence to truth telling through factual explanations and equal importance given to all sides of a story we will all suffer from a lack of understanding in the world which surrounds us. This could lead to corruption in our government and judicial systems and serious issues in business and the health care sector. Without proper, honest communication about our society crumbles.

And even though this may sound extreme, this is my blog post: i'll say what I want.

Image Sources: Open Gardens Blog, Kelby Carr's blog, Catherine Marie blog

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