Monday, February 8, 2010

Chapter 4, Tyler Grant & Nancy Gordy

In the abyss that is Chapter 4, Nancy and Tyler have discoverd the importance of accuracy in words. Their... no, there... wait... They're henceforth going to be more aware of silly mistakes that will render them appearing foolish. When they got to the "eliminating redundancies" section they learned to elimintate redundancies because they didn't want to be redundant or repeat themselves. The "editing story" section proved to be a Hurculean task. The who, the what, the where, then when, and the how must be speckled throughout the lead, and dotted throughout the rest of the story should they not work in the opening.

After the opening of the story, the transitions proved to be a monumental task as well. Then, the two wordsmith compatriots tackled chronology and flow of stories. They pondered this for a few minutes before finally moving onto finishing up the required slideshow and this trite little set of paragraphs.

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