Monday, February 1, 2010

Fact-Checking, Erik Nelson

Transit fares increase potentially a spark

This article was written by Justin Bell for the Edmonton Sun newspaper. It was published February 1, 2010 and was last updated at 12:17 p.m.

This article was written very with hardly any grammatical errors. The easiest error to spot is the article ending with a comma rather than a period.

In the sentence "There has been a recent spat of violence against drivers, with four having been assaulted in the past two months." A spell check identifies spat as a contextual error, and provides spate as a correction.

"Her concerns about more bus violence was echoed by others." A grammatical error is shown in this sentence that should be "Her concern about more bus violence was echoed by others."

Other than these few errors, the journalist made sure the information was correct.
Picture from Edmonton Sun / Picture taken by David Bloom

1 comment:

  1. Hey Eric:
    I’m commenting on your blog post for one my E-portfolio requirements. Hope you don't mind.

    In the sentence "This article was written very with hardly any grammatical errors," you don't need the word "very."

    When you introduce your quote you begin with the sentence with "In the sentence" but then you finish the sentence right after the quote. "In the sentence is an introductory phrase and needs a conclusion. To fix this you should just change the period at the end of the quote to a comma.

    Other than that I found it to be an interesting little blog.
