Throughout this year, I have grown as a reporter, an editor and as a writer. The professional writing classes have fine-tuned my attention to detail, and have forced me to look more critically at my work, and the work of others.
When I began the journalism program at MacEwan University, I was full of dreams of being a successful writer and a brave reporter. The more I learn about the nature of the industry, ethical debates, and the digital evolution; I start to think this may not be my calling.
My first year in journalism has led me on a self-discovery journey I did not expect, and did not always welcome.
Through PROW classes, I have begun to consider a future in copy editing, or in professional writing as opposed to reporting. I am also trying to carefully evaluate my strengths, weaknesses, and joys as a writer, a creator, and as an individual.
Thank you to the j-schoolers who have assisted or questioned me, and to the instructors for the insight I have gained.
I believe I will start my own blog after this semester to be able to express my ideas and creativity while practising writing in general, as well as for the web. (Watch for a twitter update to follow my blog). I am going to keep pressing forward for answers like we are taught to do as journalists, and I hope to make my own path on the way.
The following are comments I have really enjoyed making (sorry guys!) on hidden errors within blog posts!
Best of luck to all of PROW 135, hope to see you in the fall!
Comment 1
Comment 2
Comment 3
Comment 4
Comment 5
*image supplied by self.
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