Monday, February 1, 2010

CRAP Test: Crap Detection 101, Trevor Robb

Howard Rheingold's "Crap detection 101" certainly hold true to his designed platform. Is it Current? Yes. It was written on June 30th, 2009. That's fairly current.

Is it Reliable? It is Listed under 21st Century Literacies and the story itself does have 30 comments praising it. So yes, I would call it reliable.

Is it Accurate? That's debateable. The article does contain opinion and some of Howard's own personal stories and therefore biases. After all he goes into great length about teaching his little girl about search engine techniques. Even the last paragraph begins with his own opinion: "To me, the issue of information literacy could be even more important than the health or education of some individuals." Accuracy gets questioned when the author decides to give us his life story and personal opinions, so the jury is still out on this one.

What is the Purpose of this artice? To inform. To rant? It's tough to say. I believe he makes valid points about the legitimacy of some online news sources but at the same time his tone is condescending. "No, Bill Gates won't send you $5 for forwarding this chain e-mail, the medical advice you get in a chat room isn't necessarily better than what your doctor tells you, and the widow of the deceased African dictator is definitely not going to transfer millions of dollars to your bank account." Anybody who believes the crap he just listed here is an idiot. Idiots breed idiots. Don't lump me into the same category as these painfully gullable morons. Not everyone clicks at every ad they see.

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